Saturday, May 8, 2010


I have previously come to the conclusion....and recently reinforced the same, that myself and beans should not interact internally.  It's just not working out.  The thing is, I used to be quite fine with them.....we met up with each other on a very regular(heh heh) basis all through my childhood and into my adult years. In addition to beans, I was quite able to take on virtually any challenge, be it ethnic or abstract, with little to no difficulty. I was always the guy not having issues on the trips to other countries...the one who could handle all the rare and random foods with no trouble...I mean, my parents aren't even from this country. Now, since the gluten thing, things are all in an uproar and foods that were never a problem before are now a huge upset. Gah! its annoying and I'm not pleased to have stomach drama. I went and had lunch at a Puerto Rican restaurant today and I am currently still paying for it....not at all fun. I MISS BEANS!

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