Sunday, May 23, 2010

Off list

I don't know what to think.
Sadly, I feel like I've actually written this before.
I'm not gonna double check....I'll just assume.
In any case I suppose that means there's not been significant progress.

Its not that things are bad...on the contrary, they're pretty great
....its just....something's not right. I feel listless.....maybe even a little melancholy.
Its kinda strange.   I thought of some things that are just off:

I don't feel like doing sit-ups
I've taken my contacts out every night without fail(I always sleep in my contacts....thats the point of the sleep in kind)
I've not been drinking raspberry lemonade
I ordered pizza tonight.....I'm allergic to pizza
I've been watching tv
I've been indifferent about things I'm spending money on
I'm procrastinating heavily
I'm utilizing immediate vetos on things that do not suit me
I want to go to the movies all the time...though I've not actually gone to any
It's taking me forever to get through anything....books, dvd's, picture sorting...
I suddenly want a new phone

I realize none of that sounds at all serious....or even significantly notable, but it all just seems out of the ordinary for me.
I think that it is a good thing I've noticed because no one else has and its not going to get resolved otherwise. what's that saying.....something about the first step to fixing a problem is realizing you have one?
I wonder if it covers pre-problems or not quite-problems?
At least it gives me something to consider
I'll work on it

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