Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I feel like I should start collecting something.  I know, its a little odd to just decide to collect something and I suppose that's not usually how things like that are supposed to go. Be that as it may, I plan to do it anyway. Here's my train of thought...

The past few days I've been taking notice of things that people have as hobbies. Some people shop or play scheduled sports, and some watch waay too much tv or collect things or make/build things. I'm in the market for a new supplemental hobby (I used to play a video game online but I grew tired of it and I have soo many options that I end up not doing anything) and I feel like probably the easiest and no altogether unproductive option would be to collect something. Technically I collect quarters, not specific kinds or decades though just in general, I dunno why, I just like quarters......yeah definitely didn't mean to share that little fact. Anyhow I've narrowed it down to things I can repeatedly enjoy and have a minimal to slightly moderate cost that I can aquire without schedule or duty. Kind of like a purposed impulse buy, I guess. 

 Decidedly it will either be dvds or books. I am leaning more towards the latter, though, because I do like to read and have really been missing the experience since the end of college. I used to read A LOT and I really miss that option and the good times and happy thoughts that came of it.  I started learning to read in school and would always read the Archie's comics in the grocery store and beg my mom to buy me one. To this day my sister still claims she was the one who was interested in them first, but clearly she's confused. I read a lot of fictional books with magic and dragons and character development, as well as mystery novels and a few "choose your own adventure" books. Ultimately I would like to aquire all the books I've read growing up that I enjoyed(though I feel like saying I want the entire Hardy Boys Casefiles is a very lofty goal) in paperback at the very least and hopefully with the correlating artwork within each series. I dunno, we'll see how it goes. Anyhow I'm hugely tired(yes its early, but its been a really long day and I want to go to bed) and such things can be left till tomorrow to be pondered about, but I'll hopefully finalize the collection plan soon.

1 comment:

  1. I vote for books. That is a good plan. I approve.
