My face hurts. This is a fact....a fact that I have been living with for quite a number of days now. It hurts badly. It seems that no amount of drugging will silence it. At this very moment I want to throw things because it is aching soo badly. I am in fact, continuing to write this so that I don't have to focus on that pain.
That being said...
heh so that was a few days ago, and that's as far as I got before the pain became so intense that I couldn't finish....or even move, for that matter. Dry socket, its called and basically it means that the blodd clot that was supposed to form over the bone in the location where my tooth was pulled from has dissolved and so my bone and nerve are exposed. The problem with this is that exposed bones and nerves are clearly not supposed to happen and as such are bothered when placed in contact with...everything. This would include air and nerve pain is a type that cannot simply be eased without the use of very strong drugs. Theres no shifting of positions to make it hurt less or putting some ice on it or taking a soothing bath. No it just throbs and throbs in a completely unyielding fashion that causes you to miss out on things like sleep and eating...tons of fun, I assure you. Anyhow back to just after I wrote that first part....
As I lay there hyperventilating and writhing around in pain barely able to even make noises I thought to myself, "This is not going to stop until I pass out from pain." There was nothing I could really do about it. I was between drug doses and I had about 3 hours before I could take another pill(plus the time it would take for that pill to get into my system). I started to panic a little and realized I could not do this alone. At this point it was about 1am and everyone was asleep but I sucked it up and called for help. I'm thankful to have people in my life that I can count on to help me out if I'm in trouble and it humbles me to think that anyone would hold me in that high of regard to put themselves at an inconvenience just to help me out. Who do you call at 1 in the morning when you're in pain enough to cry and though you know there is virtually nothing anyone can do about it(outside of an emergency room, but really who has the money for that unless you've lost a limb), you feel like if they're at least right there with you, it might help you not feel like you're gonna die? Your best friend....the person you trust the most....your speed dial number 5. And sit with me he did...for like 3 hours until I finally fell asleep. Most of my life I've played the role of that friend who comes running when you need help. The one who comes to get you when you're stranded or locked out of your house. The one who brings you something to eat when you're starved and stuck somewhere without your wallet. The friend who helps you move, loans you their car, picks you up from the airport, disguisedly offers you mint when your breath smells, and checks on you when you're sick. Almost never does any of that get done to me, but that is my role in life and I accept it in earnest because I'm happy to make other people happy(I'm the surprise party coordinator, not the surprise party recipient). The "almost never" is starting to lean more towards "more and more often" since this past year....and even since this past 5 months, because my friends are awesome. Not just awesome, but awesome in the right the ways I just listed. Its nice to know that I too can enjoy the comfort and ease of knowing that if I'm in trouble someone will come running.
Popcorn. (and i think soup) That is all I have to say about that.