Thursday, April 22, 2010

Seeing someone

So here's the thing......
I'm seeing someone. Its been like this for a long while now.....on again off again for years, but always never really far from each other. You know how you meet someone and it just seems like they were just meant for you? Like no matter what happens....good times and bad, you'll still have each other? That's what it feels like.  Its been so long now, I can't even recall where we first met. I can tell you though that it's been memorable since then. Its not always been the best relationship, I mean there are plenty of times when I just want to slug her, times when I just want to run from her and never look back. That's the thing though, I always seem to end up right back on her doorstep....not really begging to come in, its more like reluctance but we're just......bound together, ya know? I've been seeing her a lot recently......I know I know....I shouldn't but I clearly just can't help it. Every time I turn a corner she's there. She pretty much knows the most opimal times to show up....well optimal for her anyways. I sense a small bit of snide satisfaction on her part when she gets me to come back to her, but I try to ignore it and just go through the motions. How long we'll last this time, I'm not sure. Maybe I will wisen up and leave her for good, but I doubt it. She'll just bring me back to her if you need me, I'll be over at Square One's house.

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