Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oh Saturday, how I hate thee

Its official....I hate Saturdays.

I really did try not to, I promise, but its just that I cannot keep pretending that there aren't like 50 kajillion reasons why Saturdays suck.

If we were to even go back in time, we'd find that I haven't ever really had much Saturday luck. All of the jobs I've had were rather dependant on the weekend for business. Retail....Food Service....Entertainment....all mainly centered around weekend business to make the bread.  Servers make most of their cash on weekends, retail stores are busiest then and sell much more product, and of course if people are going to go see a show....its not gonna be a Tuesday night event.  Movies don't release on Wednesday afternoon and sales at the mall aren't usually titled "Monday Morning Clearance."  Back farther still, there was always some sort of function with my church when I was younger, that filled the weekend.  Church Choir....Prayer meetings......Undershepherds....Fine Arts Rehearsals. By the time Monday would roll around, I'd be almost just as tired as I was on Friday.  My teachers would ask the class if we had all had a nice restful weekend and I'd be thinking "restful? ha!"

I feel like I can safely say that I have never had Saturdays off. That's pretty much ok with me though and since I've never really known any better, it would only annoy me to suddenly be a Mon-Fri person. By far, one of the biggest reasons I hate Saturdays is because everyone else has them off.  Trying to get anything done is like pulling teeth.......which ironically is also not done on Saturdays.  I have to make other arrangements for any appointment I need to make because more than likely, they aren't open on Saturdays. Have you ever tried to drive down 535 by Downtown Disney on a Saturday evening? You'll spend 30 minutes covering 1 mile of road and will be significantly disenchanted from whatever fun thing you were going to do. Dinner plans? Forget it unless you booked reservations beforehand. Parking? Those annoying drivers who suddenly decide they need to switch lanes RIGHT NOW and block a whole lane instead of just going to the next street up to make that U-turn. None of that is even counting the crappy schedule drops where you're consistently scheduled someone else's casting or the part where you got off 2 hours beforehand and really don't want to drive back just to look but can't bear not to know. GAH! I'm starting to get mad again.

I'm sure its rough on the other of the spectrum......not being able to go to that concert or party because you're working Saturday, or having to cancel that trip because you couldnt get anyone to cover your weekend shift....
...But really you can just read about that in someone else's blog.

I would rather just work Saturdays and be off a a nice day like Monday........ahhh Mondays......I love those. Perhaps we might just do away with Saturdays and instead just give everyone a random day off during the week, with the option to sync up with a few other friends or something. I dunno, I'm sure that's a terrible idea but probably I'm going insane from all the Saturday Blues. Apparently I hate everything these days though, so I guess we can just add this to that list

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