Friday, December 18, 2009

Get Your Dictionary

As you may have noticed, there has been paucity of writing as of recent because generally, I have been not so grand....potentially disgruntled and altogether ambivalent to the season at hand.  Not wanting to place my melacholic embarcations on display for the general populace, I have decidedly withheld my thoughts and visceral opinions in an effort to spare said perusers the obligatory symapthies or passive annoyances stemming from the omitted topics that might have been.

While I would not resign to beguile you with fabricated versions of past day's events, somewhere within my own conscience there appears a desire to present a balanced sense of myself and my writings which as aforementioned, has been at a deficit. Thus, I have decided to repudiate the subject in it's entirety in favor of a lighter and more mainstream if not beneficial topic.....which I will convey in prose...

I am looking forward to Christmas. The good feelings and general positive additudes in the air. The spirit of thankfulness and good natured exchanges. The memories and events to look forward to. The giving...the gifts...the music...the food...all of it!  This year will be a new experience because I will be much less busy than usual. Most every year I am working...hard throughout the week of Christmas and up untill the past two years, it has been far from home.  This year will be different also because I have a different and interesting combination of friends to enjoy it with: My best friend who has proved infinitely valuable time and time again, my girl best friend who gives me her time and looks out for me even from far away, the newer addition to the HIMYM crew who's logic and math skills have made life much less insane, my roomie who's quirkiness knows no bounds, the mouse with the refreshingly even-tempered outlook on things, the ranger with muuuch more patience than me, and the girl I want to be with.  All of that alone is in itself a promising collection of fun times. There is also the family aspect of Christmas, but since my family is not super close, it won't play so nearly a big role for the holidays.  I am admitttedly excited about the gift recieveing this year because I just feel like that is going to be all kinds of awesome. On the other side, I am hugely saddened that I can't go to the extreme I wanted to for everyone's gifts this year.  I am trying the best I can to at the very least, give them something personalized, but....well I'm not full of money this year.  Anyhow, I cannot wait to see what joy this year holds.

1 comment:

  1. I knew about 90% of the big words in there.
