Sunday, December 20, 2009


These are the gifts I am giving this year. I catergorized them before I made the purchases and managed to actually come out with the theme still intact. I feel like even the recipients wouldn't really be able to guess which one is theirs:

The Gift of Remembrance
The Gift of Stuff
The Gift of Reminiscence
The Gift of Practicality
The Gift of Obligation
The Gift of Thoughtfulness
The Gift of Blind Guessing

I feel a slight bit more accomplished this year because I had a significantly smaller budget to work with, but sometimes quality and creativity go hand in hand. Hopefully everyone will enjoy what I got them....that's a modest statement....I know they'll enjoy them


  1. You seem awfully confident in you gift choices.

  2. well i do try to pay a fair amount of attention to what people say and joke about
