Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Watched TV

I did a very interesting thing last night......I watched TV. This may not seem like such a huge deal to anyone but the people who know me decently. I am not, by any means, a television watcher. The TV is often on at work or at people's homes and I look at it because it distracts me, but for the most part I let it pass me by. Before I get to previously mentioned event, I feel as though I should point out the reasons why I do not watch.

1. I have no TV
2. Watched waaay too much TV as a child
3. I don't like the way it makes me feel
4. It isn't fair to TV

When I say I have no TV, it is more like a removed relative in, "I have no son" implying he is dead to me or doesnt live with me. Factually, I have 3 TV's: 2 live at home-home and one lives with my friend Steve.

Growing up in a strict household had its downs......
naturally when you are a child told not to watch television, it becomes your personal goal to watch as much as you can. My sister and I watched more TV than I even care to recall, so I'm a little burnt out on it now. I added TV to the box with Doritos and Ramen and marked it "Ehh"

TV sucks me into it's little world for hours on end because I very rarely watch it, and when it has had its way with me I feel ashamed at how much time has gone by that I can never get back.

Lastly, I feel as though show watching is something I am supposed to set aside weekly time for. Others are dedicated to their shows....religious even. I just cannot put that much effort into it due to my work schedule and probably the fact that I just don't care enough so really its not fair to TV for me to do it halfway.

Anyhow, moving on.....
I watched Nip/Tuck last night and though the episode wasn't really the issue, I feel like I've missed out on something. When did it beecome necessary for explosions, death, sex, or yelling to be included in regular programming? When did we become the judges of "eww why is that ugly girl walking on screen now?" Remember the good old days when we used to watch Family Matters or cartoons like He-Man and She-Ra? when problems were simple and solved in a single episode?
Recently I fired up some of those golden episodes of He-Man and you know what?

they sucked.
honestly I thought to myself, "I used to enjoy watching this?" Isn't that awful? I really can't imagine what entertainment would be like today if nothing had changed. Whether TV changed us or we changed it, may never really be understood. What if all these dramatic advances into our lives and psyches have done irrepairable damage to us as a species? What if all of our interpersonal relationships are on the brink of a complete social meltdown?

...that actually sounds like it would make a good concept for a TV show

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